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Taking part in a school trip can therefore enrich children. – Wedding Travel & Location

Taking part in a school trip can therefore enrich children.

Posted By: abhinay abhinay

About Taking part in a school trip can therefore enrich children.

Taking part in a school trip can therefore enrich children.

Since the taste of the herb is sometimes perceived as tart, it is advisable to sweeten the tea with honey or sugar.

It caused one of the biggest domestic political conflicts of the marry japaneese bride current legislative period: the childcare allowance. In a survey it is now said that more than 27,000 parents have applied for 100 euro help so far. However, many parents still get nothing.

Every fifth application was rejected

For more than 27,000 one-year-old children, parents have researched the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" applied for the controversial childcare allowance by the end of August or beginning of September. The appeals "SZ" based on our own survey and information from 14 federal states. There were no figures from Lower Saxony and Rhineland-Palatinate because the states did not keep their own statistics. Around one in five applications was therefore not approved.

Kristina Schröder sees herself confirmed

Federal Minister for Family Affairs Kristina Schröder (CDU) sees this balance sheet as a success: it shows how little the SPD knows as a critic of childcare allowance "of the wishes of the families" have quoted the "South German" the minister.

Hamburg has the most negative notices

In North Rhine-Westphalia, the rejection rate for childcare allowance applications is loud "South German" at 31 percent, in Hamburg at 43 percent. In the twelve federal states that provided precise information, the total number of unapproved applications is just under 5000 or a rate of just under 20 percent. In almost all cases, the rejection is on the statutory deadline, writes the "South German" citing the state ministries.

Some children are too old

According to the report, many mothers and fathers apparently overlook the fact that their children are too old to be able to receive the 100 euros for care at home. There is only an entitlement to the childcare allowance if the child was born on August 1, 2012 or later. The benefit is therefore not available for all children in their second year of life. According to Schröder’s ideas, the key date for the children’s date of birth should originally be January 1, 2012. In the parliamentary procedure, however, the deadline was postponed by seven months. This is now considered a mistake by some Union MPs because it has led to parents being treated unequally and the money is not yet available for all children in their second year, writes the "Southgerman newspaper".

"Many parents feel betrayed"

The deputy SPD leader Manuela Schwesig therefore considers the – for her fundamentally wrong – law to be flawed: "Many parents feel betrayed. They are now without a daycare place and without childcare allowance for their children." The free choice between childcare and childcare allowance promised by the federal government does not exist, she told the newspaper.

Care allowance – controversial "Hearth bonus"

The childcare allowance was introduced on August 1, 2013, parallel to the legal entitlement to a day care center for children under three. Parents who do not use a publicly funded place to care for their one or two-year-old child receive 100 euros from the state, from August 1, 2014, 150 euros per month.

Herd bonus: demand for childcare allowance is increasing significantly Education allowance of the federal states: Bavarian family allowance – Young families are entitled to this Family benefits: Support from the state – families are entitled to this

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It is an exciting experience for schoolchildren that most are looking forward to: the school trip. But the multi-day trips do not always go without problems for parents and children. Especially when there is a strong bond, many students become homesick once apart from their parents for more than one night. Parents too sometimes have mixed feelings about the school trip. Especially when the euro is not that easy within the family, a school trip tears quite a hole in the budget. There are also many organizational questions that need to be clarified: What happens, for example, if the child falls ill while on the move? We have put together the most important parenting questions about school trips for you.

School trips promote personal development

At most schools, class trips are common in certain grades. The educators assume that it is important for the personal development of the students to spend a few days predominantly among their peers and to assert oneself in this social structure. Outside the fixed and well-known family framework, children can have new experiences here and sometimes discover completely new sides of themselves. Only child Julius has to sleep in a room with three classmates and baby Mia, who is the youngest at home, shows restraint, may flourish in the circle of her peers.

The program is based on an educational concept

In addition, the trip program is usually chosen in such a way that it can be understood as school lessons outside of school. Whether on a trip to a culturally or politically important city such as Munich or Berlin, a nature drive to a biosphere reserve with a corresponding program or a skiing holiday in the Alps: As a rule, the program of a class trip is subject to a specific educational concept. From a legal point of view, a class trip is to be regarded as a school event so that the children are insured through the school accident insurance.

Lots of open parenting questions

Taking part in a school trip can therefore enrich children. You will have exciting experiences and develop your personality further. Nevertheless, many parents often have a queasy feeling before they start. Especially when their child is a little more reserved anyway, some mothers worry about whether the special needs of their child will be adequately catered for on the go. And many a dad wonders what happens when his son falls ill on the way.

School trips: the ten most important parenting questions Upbringing: What can small children do independently? Alcohol, cigarettes, films: what parents need to know about the protection of minors Are you on Facebook? Join our family fan page and join the discussion!

You can also find us on Facebook – become a fan of ours now "Parents world" and discuss with!

The proposal of the federal government that "Grandparenthood" expanding for childcare promptly triggered defensive reflexes in companies. Older working people should be able to reduce their working hours better in the future in order to devote themselves to looking after their grandchildren. The German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK) rejects this and instead calls for more childcare facilities.

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So far, entitlement only in cases of hardship

According to Federal Family Minister Kristina Schröder (CDU), grandparents’ leave should be organized in the same way as three-year parental leave. Like the weekly newspaper "The time" reported, those affected should receive a job guarantee if they leave the job for a limited time because of looking after their grandchildren.

The grandparents’ leave already exists, but it is limited to certain hardship cases, for example if a young mother under the age of 21 is still in training. According to the minister, the grandparents are already helping with childcare in 51 percent of families. "The grandparents are firmly involved in the care management" said Schroeder. "That is already the reality of life."

Will the grandparents’ allowance also come?

How "Mirror online" there is also a report on the introduction of "Grandparent allowance" thought about. In the event that the parents waive their parental allowance, the payment can be transferred to the grandparents, said Minister Kristina Schröder.

Parental leave should be made more flexible

The government is also planning to make parental leave more flexible. From the total of three years time off, 24 months are to be taken up to the child’s 14th birthday. However, the employer should have the right to object if there are operational reasons against it. So far, it has only been possible to stretch twelve months up to the age of eight. In addition, part-time entitlement should be better regulated during parental leave. In addition, families with lower and middle incomes should be able to make use of household-related services more easily.

More time than more money

Schröder also announced one "Time policy" that should give families more freedom in organizing their everyday life. This includes better coordinating the opening times of schools, daycare centers and authorities. "Having time for the family is one of the key requirements for family life to be successful" said Schroeder. With parents, the desire for more time takes precedence over the desire for more money, said the minister.

"Companies have to become more family-friendly"

The SPD, on the other hand, gave the government’s family policy bad marks. Schröder is not investing money in the expansion of childcare offers, but rather wants to give the families money so that they can stay at home and not go to work, party vice-president Manuela Schwesig told ARD"Morning magazine". Having families in recent years always "more flexible and work-friendly" companies now have to become more family-friendly. What is needed is a plan for the nationwide introduction of all-day daycare centers and all-day schools.

The Green family expert Katja Dörner accused the government of not providing a solution to the family’s problems in her statement on the family report submitted by experts last year. "Companies are not made responsible, and no costs may be incurred." The report lacks a systematic overall conception for a time policy, said the Federal Chairman of the Workers’ Welfare Association, Wolfgang Stadler. The government’s answers are only here "fragmentary".

Industry finds "Grandparenthood" unnecessary

The German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK) has Schröder’s plans for an expansion of the "Grandparenthood" refused to take care of the grandchildren. There are already many opportunities for families to support one another, said DIHK President Hans Heinrich Driftmann "New Osnabrück newspaper". He referred to the Part-Time and Temporary Employment Act, parental allowance or time off that working grandparents could already take today in special cases.

"Extending this grandparent leave would increase uncertainty for companies and reduce the ability to plan when filling vacancies" warned Driftman. For this reason, the priority should continue to be placed on the expansion of childcare so that the places created also cover the actual needs of the parents, he emphasized.

The gas stations want to make it difficult for young people to reach for bottles. They announce additional employee training, cash register warning systems and age controls when selling alcohol. Critics say a legal obligation makes more sense. The background to this is the appalling reports of binge drinking among young people.

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Alcohol: Young people stock up at gas stations

Saturday evening, just before 10 p.m. Two young people want to buy vodka in a gas station. When the cashier swipes the bottle over the scanner, a yellow warning appears on the cash register display: "Sales are only allowed to people over the age of 18.

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