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Several options could be chosen – Wedding Travel & Location

Several options could be chosen

Posted By: abhinay abhinay

About Several options could be chosen

Several options could be chosen

The plan is now to split the treaty package on leaving the EU into two parts. Accordingly, only the exit treaty, but not the political declaration on future relations, should be up for vote on Friday.

However, it is very questionable whether the House of Commons, which was completely divided on the subject of Brexit, will now agree to the contract. Prime Minister Theresa May pulled out all the stops to get enough support. She even offered to resign soon, should the agreement be approved in parliament.

2 a.m.: EU politicians appeal to London

The common lead candidate of the Union parties for the European elections, Manfred Weber (CSU), has appealed to the British Parliament to approve the exit treaty with the EU after all. "The negotiated exit agreement would still be the best solution"said the leader of the conservative European People’s Party (EPP) in the EU Parliament to the newspapers of the Funke media group. Britain must decide whether it is "in a reasonable togetherness or chaotically" want to separate from the EU.

The SPD’s top candidate for the European elections, Katarina Barley, meanwhile suggested a second referendum to the British. "The next few days will show whether the majority of MPs can gather behind a proposal"said the Federal Minister of Justice. Should no agreement be reached, a second referendum could provide clarity. "Our door will always be open to the British"affirmed Barley.

The EU Commission once again asked Great Britain to find a clear line on Brexit. With a view to the UK Parliament’s vote on the possible procedure for leaving the EU, a Commission spokesman said: "We counted eight no’s last night. We now need a yes to the way forward."

12.10 a.m.: DUP Vice – "Softer Brexit" now possible

The vice-head of the Northern Irish party DUP, Nigel Dodds, dampens worries that a hard Brexit could come about. There is now the possibility of a Brexit in which Great Britain and the European Union would remain more closely linked, Dodds told the BBC. Nonetheless, the DUP wants to vote against May’s proposal, as Dodds said earlier.

Thursday, March 28th, 6.30 p.m.: EU representatives are counting on "No" to the deal

EU diplomats and representatives are quietly saying that Britain’s exit from the EU without an agreement is now more likely than ever. "There is a growing awareness that a ‘no deal’ is becoming more and more likely"says a senior diplomat in Brussels. A special Brexit summit is also increasingly conceivable.

6.15 p.m.: Vote on exit clauses – but not on political declarations

The British Parliament is due to vote on the exit clauses of the Brexit treaty on Friday, but not on the accompanying political declaration. This is what the cabinet commissioner for parliamentary affairs, Andrea Leadsom, said in front of MPs.

Parliament speaker John Bercow gives his blessing to the process. He had stated that for procedural reasons, the same process could not be voted on a third time.

6.10 p.m.: President of Parliament allows third vote on the Brexit deal

Surprising turn in the Brexit drama: In the lower house, President John Bercow announces that he will allow Theresa May’s EU exit agreement to vote in parliament for a third time. The MPs will vote again on the deal on Friday, the actual exit date. 

5 p.m.: Zoos are preparing for Brexit 

Several zoos fear that there could be problems with the transport of their animals for breeding programs after a Brexit. "We don’t know what to expect"said the managing director of the Association of Zoological Gardens, Volker Homes, on Thursday of the German press agency. "The British have not regulated much so far."

For breeding purposes, zoos regularly exchange their animals in order to avoid inbreeding and the associated genetic defects.essay about community service hours EU rules also apply here. Several zoos are now rushing to exchange animals while the rules still apply to the UK. For example, Nuremberg Zoo recently sent the rhinoceros Sanjay on a trip to Edinburgh in Scotland. And the Belgian zoo Planckendael quickly exchanged two dwarf chimpanzees for four British conspecifics.

3.45 p.m.: Gysi: Lower House is a cabaret

The left European leader and member of the Bundestag Gregor Gysi on the Brexit chaos in Parliament in London: "The British House of Commons has clearly become the best cabaret in Europe. Hopefully it doesn’t accidentally choose to permanently disintegrate."

3:25 p.m.: British companies ‘angry and frustrated’ about Brexit course

The British economy is becoming increasingly unnerved by the blockade in the British Parliament regarding the EU exit. British Chamber of Commerce Association Chairman Adam Marshall ventured his anger at the association’s annual meeting on Thursday. "We are frustrated. We are upset", he said. Politicians have left the economy in the lurch and are chasing after chimeras. "Three years go in circles. Three years is enough"said Marshall. "Corporations aren’t a bit smarter on how to avoid a chaotic April 12 exit."

3 p.m.: Labor sets conditions for approval

The opposition Labor party does not want to support May’s Brexit treaty in parliament unless a decision is made on future relations between the EU and the UK at the same time. It is unacceptable to leave the EU without knowing where to go, the party explains.

2:15 p.m.: No binding vote on the EU exit agreement

According to the Press Association news agency, the British Parliament will not vote on the exit agreement with the EU on Friday. There will only be a debate on the subject of Brexit, reports the agency, referring to government circles. 

1:13 p.m.: May wants to vote on the Brexit agreement for the third time on Friday

British Prime Minister Theresa May wants to vote again this Friday on her deal to leave the EU, which has already been rejected twice in parliament. This was announced by the minister responsible for parliamentary issues, Andrea Leadsom. 

8.57 a.m.: Northern Irish party wants to vote against May’s Brexit deal

The Northern Irish party DUP wants to vote against Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit agreement. Not voting is out of the question, says DUP boss Arlene Foster the Irish broadcaster RTE.

"An abstention would be the worst of all worlds, because it would not show where you stand on the most important issue of our time." The DUP supports May’s current conservative minority government.

6:05 a.m.: Health minister warns of drug shortages

Health Minister Jens Spahn feared loudly "Handelsblatt" in the event of a disorderly Brexit, supply problems for important medical devices. The newspaper cites a letter to the EU Commission.

In it, Spahn warned that there would be a chaotic Brexit "no later than mid-April" bottlenecks could also arise in Germany. Spahn asked the Commission and the other member states to agree on a common crisis plan.

4.30 a.m.: Who could succeed May?

British Prime Minister Theresa May wants to resign if the House of Commons approves the Brexit treaty negotiated with Brussels on the third attempt. Even if this is not possible for the deal without the support of the DUP, the starting signal has been given for the race for her successor. There are several candidates for the party chairmanship and thus for the office of head of government.

In addition to Deputy Prime Minister David Lidington and Environment Minister Michael Gove, according to British media reports, these include the eccentric ex-Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, the former Brexit Minister Dominic Raab, Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, the ambitious Home Secretary Sajid Javid, Health Secretary Matt Hancock and Labor Secretary Amber Rudd. Even the controversial former Brexit minister David Davis is given opportunities.

4.00 a.m.: Barclay: EU deal still "the best option"

Brexit Minister Stephen Barclay said the result of the vote on the alternative proposals in parliament showed that the deal negotiated with the EU was still going on "the best option" be. But what remains, should it fail a third time? A renewed extension of the withdrawal period could only be justified with a new election or a second referendum.

2.30 a.m.: British auto production falls for the ninth straight month

According to industry association information, British car production fell by 15.3 percent over the year to 123,203 vehicles in February. It is the ninth consecutive month of decline. This should be a wake-up call for those who still believed the industry could get one "No-deal Brexit" survive without being seriously damaged, explains association boss Mike Hawes.

2.00 a.m.: Chamber of Commerce: Westminster has let entrepreneurs down

In unusually harsh terms, the Chairman of the British Chamber of Commerce (BCC), Adam Marshall, accuses his country’s politicians of abandoning the companies. "We are frustrated, we are angry", he explains in the run-up to the BCC annual conference. "Our elected representatives are not allowed to continue chasing rainbows." You would finally have to make decisions. A disorderly exit from the EU would be one "monstrous breach of duty".

00:30 a.m .: "The prospect of new elections has increased"

After the MPs rejected all alternatives to the Brexit deal, several MPs and experts on social networks comment that the prospect of a new referendum has increased significantly. 

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The proposal to hold a second referendum on leaving the EU in Great Britain received the most votes of the eight options that were put to the vote: 268 MPs voted for the proposal, 295 against.

12:10 a.m.: This is how the British media react

May had announced on Wednesday that if approved, he would give up her post early. She hoped to get enough opponents in her own party to support her deal. British media spoke of the "last card"who played May from "Endgame" in their office or even from one "Death knell".

"Parliament finally has the say: No. No. No. No …"writes the British Guardian on the front page of the new edition.

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The "Daily Mirror" titled page one with: "The end of May" – but even her plan to withdraw as prime minister seems to fail.

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Also the "Daily Telegraph" proclaims the end of the British Prime Minister.

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Wednesday, March 28, 11:45 p.m .: What happens next?

The MEPs of the British House of Commons have not adopted any of the eight proposed alternatives for the further course of Brexit. There was also another clear no to a no-deal Brexit. Immediately afterwards, a repetition of at least parts of the vote on Monday was discussed. 

And Theresa May’s offer of resignation does not seem to be a solution either, as the DUP continues to reject the contract with the EU. After all, there was a majority in the lower house today: The Brexit postponement until March 29 has been decided. 

It was initially unclear on Thursday night whether there would be a planned third vote on the Brexit agreement on Friday. The government had declared that there would only be another attempt if there was a majority. For his part, Parliament spokesman John Bercow said the rules would not allow a new vote on an unchanged bill.

10:58 p.m.: Which applications did the best?

Not one of the alternative motions to Brexit discussed in the afternoon and evening received a majority in the lower house. However, the results of the trial tuning differ widely. Some applications, such as the no-deal Brexit or the one for a Norway model, according to which Great Britain remains in the EU internal market but not in the customs union, found little support.

Closer, however, was the rejection of a second referendum on the Brexit agreement, introduced by Labor MP Margaret Beckett. Their motion received 268 votes in favor and 295 against. A proposal by Tory politician Ken Clarke for a customs union with the EU failed by just eight votes (264 to 272). The votes were not binding and should only provide a picture of the mood. Several options could be chosen.

10:48 p.m.: Again a clear no to the no-deal Brexit

Conservative MP John Baron’s motion to leave the European Union without an agreement has clearly failed with 106 to 400 votes. Such a no-deal Brexit was rejected by a large majority on March 13th.

10:42 p.m.: All alternatives to the Brexit deal rejected

After a debate on possible alternatives to the Brexit treaty negotiated with the EU, the MEPs of the British House of Commons rejected all options. In the written test vote that evening in London, none of the eight admitted motions got a majority.

10:28 p.m.: Without a deal – will May continue?

Notable information from Downing Street Number 10: As a reporter for the "Daily Mirror" citing government circles reported that Theresa May apparently wants to remain in office if the Brexit treaty fails a third time.

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