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Operating income is calculated by taking recurring operating income and adding non-recurring income and expense (see above). Operating income from ordinary activities (Ebit): this indicator is included in the income statement. Ebit measures the operational performance of fully consolidated Group subsidiaries. It excludes share-based payment expense (IFRS 2), other recurring operating items (including the share of the income or loss of companies accounted for under the equity method) and non-recurring operating items. At VINCI Energies, Cobra IS and VINCI Construction, the order book represents the volume of business yet to be carried out on projects where the contract is in force (in particular after service orders have been obtained or after conditions precedent have been met) and financed. At VINCI Immobilier, the order book corresponds to the revenue, recognised on a progress-towards-completion basis, that is yet to be generated on a given date with respect to property sales confirmed by a notarised deed or with respect to property development contracts on which the works order has been given by the project owner. At VINCI Energies, Cobra IS and VINCI Construction, a new order is recorded when the contract has been not only signed but is also in force (for example, after the service order has been obtained or after conditions precedent have been met) and when the project’s financing is in place. The amount recorded in order intake corresponds to the contractual revenue. At VINCI Immobilier, order intake corresponds to the value of properties sold off-plan or sold after completion in accordance with a notarised deed, or revenue from property development contracts where the works order has been given by the project owner. For joint property developments: If VINCI Immobilier has sole control over the development company, it is fully consolidated. In that case, 100% of the contract value is included in order intake. If the development company is jointly controlled, it is accounted for under the equity method and its order intake is not included in the total, jocuri de noroc online columbia britanică bani reali. Public-private partnerships ‘ concessions and partnership contracts: public-private partnerships are forms of long-term public sector contracts through which a public authority calls upon a private sector partner to design, build, finance, operate and maintain a facility or item of public infrastructure and/or manage a service. In France, a distinction is drawn between concessions (for works or services) and partnership contracts. Outside France, there are categories of public contracts ‘ known by a variety of names ‘ with characteristics similar to those of the French concession and partnership contracts.
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